Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Operation: Out the Door - Still Struggling

Still trying to find a workable solution to the Out the Door situation. Okay, I'll cut us a little slack because last week was more hectic than normal, with parental late hours that spilled over into my own morning readiness. But we still can't seem to finish the dressing/eating/toothbrushing process any earlier than 15 to 20 minutes pre-school bell.

Strategy: An earlier bedtime.
Result: Son rises early, eats and promptly goes back to his room to read in his pajamas until told to get dressed. Daughter has been waking up in the middle of the night for the last week, which seems to have disrupted her sleep cycle enough to keep her in bed until roused.

Strategy: Clothes laid out the night before.
Result: Solves problem of clothing choices, but not the speed at which outfit is put on. Daughter prefers to have Mom dress her whenever possible.

Strategy: Backpacks packed the night before and preset at the front door.
Result: Cuts a couple of minutes of "where's my...?" time, but not enough to make a noticeable difference in departure time.

The one variable not yet altered - and oh, how I've hoped it wouldn't have to be - is my own waking time. I tend to get up well after Son and well before Daughter, and get myself bathed and dressed before checking on them. If they need my motivation to get the job done, then maybe it's my schedule that's the problem.

So: Earlier bedtime tonight for me, alarm pushed back half an hour. Perhaps this will allow for some family stretching time, too, which seemed to be a hit last week. Fingers firmly crossed. Update tomorrow.

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